Monday, July 15, 2013

It Was Our Last

WOw! I am so sorry! I did not realize that this post did not post! Oh man!

It was our last.

Staying up every night in the hotel with the Uruguayos

The reality of it was crazy.

Our last week we spent a lot of time building up relationships we have made and continuously helping them to get involved in community with Vida Estudiantil.

It was frustrating knowing how hard it was to get in touch with students and how little time we had to do so. 
We spent every night at the hotel with Uruguayos until 2 A.M. talking and diving into each others lives.

It was our last...

time on faculties. We tried to get a hold of students we have already met to pour into them and strengthen our friendships. This did not stop us from meeting new people. We took our friends with us out to share The Gospel and to tell others about Vida Estudiantil. This way, the students can meet those that are in Uruguay year-round involved with the organization

It was our last time at the Faculty I will miss the most. Architecture. It was so unique and the people I met there I will never forget. Many of our conversations took  place on the steps to the left of the photo. One girl I met there is a pretty well known pop-singer in Uruguay. It will be fun to keep tabs on how that is going!

It was our last time feeling awkward at the Law Faculty. It is a small courtyard, making it awkward to walk around in circles looking for people to talk to. Although it was hard to be there at times, almost every conversation we had was great!
Tracy and Davie

During our last week, we did a special outreach. We went to the outskirts of Montevideo to a soup kitchen. We spent time with the young children living there. My heart melted for these kids. They were so happy with what they had and all of them were smiling!

Down by the Rambla
It was our last morning down by the Rambla. A few of us woke up before sunrise to walk down to the water and have our last "Quiet Time" in Uruguay. We sat against the wall, reading out Bibles and thanking God for the time we spent there. At that moment, it didn't matter how little of sleep we were on. It didn't matter how cold it was. It didn't matter that it was sprinkling outside. The only thing that mattered was that we came to Uruguay for a purpose- to plant seeds... and we left the Rambla knowing that is exactly what we did. It was probably one of the most peaceful mornings I have had in a really long time.

It was our last time walking the streets of Uruguay together..being goofy Americans. A goal while walking the streets was to act ..not American. It always failed. hahaha!

It was our last time seeing the "strikes" fill the street! The loud chants and horns as people blocked off the main road of Montevideo was so normal there.

It was our last time ..together as a team.

We did it. We survived together for six weeks all day, every day.

I will miss all of this, but knowing the impact we made and the amount of growth we have all had..I am okay with being home now. There is another chapter for each and every one of us. The most exciting part is to have faith that it is the perfect chapter for us. God has it all figured out!

It will be exciting to watch the growth in Uruguay from here.

It is my first time..

finishing a blog! It wasn't long, but it was fun. Thank you so much for reading and supporting me. I am so grateful!

Please check out my facebook (Kelsey Nocek) for more photos of the trip or (uruguay summer project) on facebook.

Until the next journey,
<3 Kelsey On

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